Grassam Real Estate

The Best Move You Can Make

Tips to prepare your home to make it sell FAST

(1) Disassociate yourself with your home

(a) Make a mental decision to “let go”

(b) Picture yourself handing over the keys

(c) Don’t look backwards – look to the future


(2) De-personalize

(a) Pack up those personal photographs and family heirlooms.

(b) You don’t want buyers to be distracted. You don’t want the buyers to wonder what kind of people live in this house.

(c) You want buyers to say “I can see myself living here”


(3) De-clutter

(a) If you don’t need it, why not donate it or throw it away.

(b) Pack up those knick-knacks

(c) Clean everything off kitchen benches

(d) Think of the process as a head-start on the packing you will eventually need to do


(4) Remove/replace favourite items

(a) If you want to take window coverings that match a bed- spread or something that belonged to your great grandmother then remove it. If a buyer never sees it, they won’t want it

(b) Once you tell a buyer they can’t have an item, they will covet, and it could cause a hiccup with the sale

(c) Pack up those items and replace them if necessary.

(d) Fix leaky taps

(e) Consider painting walls neutral colours especially if you have grown accustomed to the purple or blue walls

(f) Replace burnt-out light bulbs

(g) Wash window inside and out

(h) Hang up fresh towels

(i) Clean and air out any musty smelling areas, odours are no-no


(5) Scrutinse 

(a) Go outside and open your front door. Stand there. Do you want to go inside? Does the house welcome you?

(b) Examine carefully how furniture is arranged and move pieces around until it makes sense

(c) Make sure window coverings hang level.


(6) Check Curb Appeal

(a) If a buyer won’t get out of the agent’s car because they don’t like the exterior of your home, you’ll never get them inside. First impressions count.

(b) Keep the driveway and the paths cleared

(c) Mow the lawn

(d) Paint faded window trim

(e) Group any flower pots together. Yellow invokes a buying motion. Marigolds are inexpensive.

(f) Trim your shrubs and bushes

(g) Make sure visitors can clearly read your house number. Paint or replace the letterbox